Five Ways to Find a Mentor

Having a mentor can be very beneficial in your career and serve as a wonderful resource for guidance and support. I have been blessed to have wonderful mentors in my life, and to also be a mentor. There are many ways to find a mentor and below I have listed some tips for finding one. 

1. Your colleagues

If you are currently employed, then a great place to start is your workplace. You may have a formal mentor or can find an informal one. A great way to find a mentor at your workplace is to cultivate relationships with colleagues and ask them questions about their career journey. In most cases, most people would be glad to help you with general career advice and look at your resume. Many of my colleagues have been very helpful with giving me career guidance and helping me prepare for a professional career. 

2.  Your school

In many cases, your school may have a formal mentor program or a way to connect with alumni. Additionally, utilizing your school’s career center can be very helpful, as they could introduce you to people working in your industry or give you helpful suggestions on how to find a mentor. At USF, they have the alumni mentor program that pairs current USF students with alumni that wants to mentor a student. I have been both a mentee and a mentor and know the program is a very useful tool for college students. If your school does not offer a formal program like this, reaching out to alumni through LinkedIn can be beneficial as well. In most cases, fellow alumni like to help current students as they have fond memories of their college experience. 

3. Your LinkedIn connections

Reaching out to your current LinkedIn connections and asking them if they know someone who is working in your desired industry or position, is a great place to find another mentor. Utilizing my connections has helped me find mentors and has led me to conversations I would never have had before. LinkedIn is a great platform to aid in developing professional connections.

4. Join an industry association

Many industry associations offer networking opportunities as part of their membership benefits. Joining an industry specific association like the American Marketing Association or the Public Relations Society of America can be a great way to meet professionals. Many people who belong to associations are passionate about their given industry and want to help the next generation succeed. 

5. Join a professional community 

Some industry experts and/or companies have created online communities to educate people about the industry or help them in their careers.  Conducting some online research to find the right community for you can help you network with industry professionals and learn career advice. LinkedIn or Discord can be a great place to look for a community.  I am a member of the Leave Your Mark Community, founded by Aliza Licht, a best-selling author and fashion expert. Through this community I have met many ambitious individuals and learned a lot about personal branding. Aliza hosts different professional events and networking opportunities. I would recommend anyone looking for a supportive community to join. 

Do you have any additional ways to find a mentor? Let me know in the comments. 


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