How to Be a Good Team Player

Being a good team player is essential in one’s professional success. Many of us have encountered situations where there are challenging team dynamics and we have to learn how to successfully complete the project. I feel being a good team player also takes practice and learning how to work with different personalities. The good news is that the more we work with others, the better of a team player we will be.

Here are my tips on how to improve your collaboration skills.

1)      Set clear expectations

 Being clear on what’s expected of everyone will help with accountability. Making sure everyone’s clear on their roles and deliverables will help decrease conflict, and create a more cohesive team.

2)      Play to people’s strengths

This is something I learned about while in graduate school and I agree with this sentiment. Everybody has their unique strengths and weaknesses, so let people play to their strengths when working on group projects.

3)      Make sure to overcommunicate

The most challenging team projects I have dealt with were when people did not communicate enough with each other, and people ended up not completing their assigned section.  No one should be left in the dark when it comes to project status or meetings, and everyone should be on the same page. It’s better to overcommunicate than undercommunicate.

4)      Meetings/touchpoints are necessary

Many people don’t enjoy meetings because everyone is busy, but short check-ins are important to make sure the project is on track and to discuss any problems. In my experience, when a team doesn’t have regular meetings or check-ins, this derails the project and makes it harder to complete the project. Meetings also aid in accountability, as most people want to be finished with their deliverables before coming to a meeting.

5)      Find ways to work with difficult people

One of the most challenging facets of group projects is learning how to navigate different personalities and working styles. Some people like to complete their work way ahead of schedule, while others enjoy finishing it right before the deadline. Sometimes in group projects there are people who are difficult to work with, and you have to find ways to successfully work with them in order to finish the project.

6)      Set boundaries

It’s important when collaborating with others that you set boundaries and do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of in a group situation. Some people will let everyone else do the work, unless they are held accountable. Making sure to not let anyone take over the project is important too, as you want everyone to be able to contribute in a meaningful way.

7)      Don’t gang up on one another

Sometimes in group projects there are people who like to signal someone out and make them the scapegoat of the group. This isn’t a nice thing to do or a beneficial way to work with others. If someone is underperforming, a conversation is needed. There is no reason to talk badly about others behind their back or put the blame on one person, even if the project is a failure. Treating others how you want to be treated is imperative.

8)      Make sure to speak up

It’s important to speak up in group meetings whenever you have any ideas, concerns, or if you are agreeing with someone. Make sure to articulate what parts of the project or deliverables you have been working on, so people know your contribution. Visibility is important in group projects to make sure that you get the credit you deserve.

9)      Take a balanced approach to group projects

Finding the balance between not taking over the project and being a good team player is tricky. I think every group project is different, so it’s important to figure out how to evenly distribute the work. I’ve seen people get upset because they think they are doing all the work, but they have taken over the project. On the other hand, I’ve also seen people be fine with doing the bare minimum, which is on the other side of the pendulum.

10)  Make sure to celebrate

After completing a group project, it’s always important to celebrate the accomplishments of the team. Make sure to congratulate everyone on a job well done. Also, it’s a great time to see what could be improved for next time. Overall, it’s a great time to recharge until the next project.

Do you have any more tips on how to be a better team player? Let me know in the comments.


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